37 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Laboratorium Bahasa pada Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

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    The objective of the study as the answer of the problem are; how are the planning of the management, the USAges ,the evaluations of the language laboratorium in implementing the curriculum 2013. The method of the research is qualitative descriptive by collecting the data, observation, interview and documentation. The subject of the research is the language laborant of Senior High School number two South of Bengkulu. The conclusion of the study is the planning done by the language laborant have been followed the norms of managing the ideal and integral language laboratory. The management of language laboratory done by the laguage laborant are the implementation that is required by the curriculum 2013. The evaluation and monitoring of the management of the language laborant runs well and routine as programmed, and it has been set as the real condition

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengelola Tenaga Kependidikan

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    The problem of the research is how headmaster leadership to manage education employers in Senior High School Number 1 Putri Hijau, North Bengkulu Region. The purpose of this research can describe to the headmaster to make planning, organizing, motivating, controlling, support and the hampers of headmaster leadership to manage education employers. This reasearch use destiptive qualitative method with the subject is headmaster, deputy headmaster and administration. Do controlling data with observation technic, interview and documentation. The result of research from recruit of data from several data subject and the conclution is that the headmaster leadership of Senior High School Number 1 Putri Hijau, North Bengkulu Region is democration leadership styl

    Pembinaan Disiplin Guru untuk Memperbaiki Pembelajaran

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the coaching by the school head can improve the discipline of teachers in preparing teaching and program Elementary School 12 South Bengkulu learning. The specific objective to increase discipline in developing the syllabus, lesson plan and program assessment. The method used is action research school, with study subjects were 12 elementary school teachers from South Bengkulu. The results of this study indicate that coaching by the school head can improve discipline and ability of teachers to develop learning programs

    Pengaruh Sikap Inovatif dan Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah, terhadap Kreativitas Guru di Smk

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    The problem of this research to know inovative atitude and transformational leadership style to creative teacher Senior high vocational school one Ketahun 42 teachers.Sample taken by tecnic correlation counted 42 sampel. This research is analysed with descriptive statistic technique and inferensial to know the direct influence and indirect influence between variabel tested with band analysis. Result of the research show: (1) They are positive direct of inovative atitude and to creative teacher (2) They are direct positive influence between transformational leadership trough the teacher creativity of senior high school vokasional one Ketahun (3 They are direct positive between inovative atitude and transformational as together toward the teacher of Senior high school vocational one Ketahun teachers

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Guru

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the strategic management conducted principals in improving the discipline of teachers in number one senior high shool of Kepahiang. This research uses descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques by interview, observation and documentation. Subjects were principals, vice principals affairs curriculum, teachers, school supervisors supervisor and chairman of the school committee. While the data analysis was done with descriptive analysis, inductive and deductive. Strategy formulation principals in enforcing discipline the teacher is the formulation of the vision and mission by considering the internal and external environment, followed by setting goals and targets and the continued determination of the strategy. Implementation of the strategy principals in enforcing discipline the teacher is doing the translation strategies have been formulated in the form of activities. Evaluation is done by supervising the education of the teachers

    Percepatan Penuntasan Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun di Kabupaten Kepahiang

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the acceleration program compulsory 9 years in the Department of Education Youth and Sports District Kepahiang. This research uses descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques taking interviews, observation and documentation. Subjects were Head of Youth and Sports Kepahiang District, head of basic education, Head of Basic Education Curriculum, Staff Planning Education Association, Member of Parliament Kepahiang District Education Commission, Office of the Chief District ministry of religion Kepahiang. While the data analysis was done with descriptive analysis, inductive and deductive. Research results show that the vision and mission the Department of Education Youth and Sports District Kepahiang Kepahing has implemented two programs form. Coordination between the Department of Education Youth and Sports District Kepahiang and dynamically interwoven Kepahiang ministry of religion Office in accordance with the duties of each agency.Achievement of the program have a breakthrough both categories


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    The debate about the role of exports in the development of economic theory has emerged since the 1950s. In the macroeconomic theory, the relationships between export and economic growth and / or national income is an identity because export is a part of national income, but in development economics, heavily concern over matters wether export make prosperity (wealth) or suffering to a nation. Jung and Marshall (1985) examine four viewpoints characterize equally plausible hypothesis of relationships between export and economic growth: (1) export-led growth hypothesis, (2) internally generated export hypothesis, (3) export-reducing growth hypothesis and (4) growth-reducing export hypothesis. The empirical result using real national income and real export data over 1969–1997 suggests that error correction causality tests show bidirectional pattern, but according to the value of error correction term, adjustment coefficient reaction, Granger-causality test (1969) and final prediction error (FPE) show unidirectional causality from real national income to real export. Thus, over the period 1969-1997, Indonesia supported internally generated export hypothesis

    Pengelolaan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi

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    The purpose of this research is to know the managemen of the Economic Subject Teachers' Meeting in improving the Competence of Economics Teachers in South Bengkulu Regency. The research method is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation studies. Research Subject. High School Economics teachers / MA South Bengkulu. The result of the research is the existence of program or outline of activity plan and other tools that will be needed in every meeting prepared by MGMP board. Detailed teaching tools owned by teachers, Implementation of follow-up program based on evaluation and analysis of MGMP program and activities

    Menangani Disiplin Siswa Bermasalah

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the teamwork of teachers in dealing with student discipline problems in Senior High School Number one Tebat Karai. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive study. The subjects were all data and information relating to the team work of teachers in handling student discipline problems. Subjects support for this reasearch are: principals, vice principals field of student, class guardian, guidance and counseling teachers, subject matter teachers, and administrative staff. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and interviews. Data obtained from the research described is, in order to make a conclusion through the steps: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The results showed teamwork of teachers in dealing with student discipline problems have to be done well, according to the guidelines and mechanism established by the school

    Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Sarana Pendidikan

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    The general objective of this research is to describe the accountability of school facilities management at Junior High School Number 1 South Bengkulu. The method of this research was qualitative descriptive. The subjects of this study ware headmaster, Vice principal of school facilities management and administration staffs at Junior High School Number 1 South Bengkulu. the data were collected by conducting several observation, personal interview and documentation study then, data analysis used qualitative technigue. the result of this study showed that: (1) the policy in planning school facilities was compiled at the beginning of new year and implemented in an accountable way (2) procurement of educational facilities suited with the existing procedures; (3) inventary performance in accountable enough (4) educational facilities had been implemented in accountable enough (5) maintenance educational facilities had been implemented in accountable enough (6) the process of abolition of school facilities in an accountable way